Publishing is a traditional industry in the process of transforming itself into an exciting, interactive arena. Drawing from our strong technology expertise, we help our clients design, implement, and navigate the technology that drives this transformation.
Gesmer Updegrove's publishing work ranges from small content providers to large institutions. One client, HCPro, Inc ., is using its custom publishing capabilities to ensure that medical institutions have the information they need to function at their optimum level.
We have assisted multi-billion dollar publishing house Reed Elsevier Inc . and its subsidiary, LexisNexis Inc., with scores of technology-based contracts. We have also assisted a national newspaper in making the transition from print to on-line publishing.
We have partnered with clients in negotiating agreements for product design, content development, and distribution efforts, which include texts in the K-12 market and other educational and research materials.
We advise companies in working with editors, artists, and writers, in structuring and negotiating creative agreements. We help our clients set up and implement subscription models and we also assist publishing institutions launch electronic publishing capabilities and other Internet-based products.