Gesmer Updegrove attorneys sue and defend professionals on negligence and fiduciary claims. We understand organically that such claims are never “just about the money” given the accusations and stakes, and so work very closely with clients victimized by professionals as well as professionals wrongly accused of violating their contractual and fiduciary obligations to resolve them. We have deep experience representing and prosecuting claims against lawyers, accountants, insurance brokers, real estate brokers, and other professionals.
The best problem to have is the one you’ve avoided. Gesmer lawyers have the experience, skill, and insight to issue spot and, working with you, engineer fixes before professional relationships devolve into litigation. While true in all disputes, an early understanding of the nature of a problem and its potential fixes are particularly important in matters concerning professional malpractice where emotions often run high and stay high for good reason. Gesmer prides itself not only in its superlative ability to resolve problems through litigation (state, federal, and administrative) but also in its skills avoiding them altogether.