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When Does a Trademark Expire?

By Shannon Nolley Unlike patents or copyrights, trademarks do not have fixed expiration dates. Instead, trademarks could last indefinitely as long as they continue to be used in commerce. If the …

Is Cannabis Patentable?

By Bill Hilton In short, yes, and there are many different ways in which cannabis and cannabis-related inventions may be protected. The U.S. government has authority to grant patents under the Patent …

Patents ≠ Freedom to Operate

Commercializing a product requires significant investments of time, resources, and effort.  One may attempt to recoup some of that investment by securing patents on inventive features of the product.  A …

Provisional Patent Costs and How to Reduce Them

By Bill Hilton The Challenge A significant challenge faced by many early-stage companies that are interested in filing provisional patent applications, is that a provisional patent application must be filed prior …

Client Success Stories – Anodyne Nanotech

Jake Lombardo is a co-founder of Anodyne Nanotech, Inc., a preclinical-stage biotech company developing differentiated, transdermal forms of high-value drugs. Anodyne Nanotech and its HeroPatch technology are going to become …

When Should a Patent Application Be Filed?

            In 2013, the United States converted from a “first to invent” patent system to a “first to file” patent system.  Under the “first to file” system, if two inventors …

What is a Provisional Patent Application?

In 1994, Congress amended the U.S. Patent Laws to create a new type of patent filing called a provisional patent application, and with this came a good deal of confusion …

How To Protect Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is an intangible asset, or a collection of intangible assets, created through the ingenuity of people in the form of their brands, innovations, original works of authorship, and …