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trademark protection

Trademark Protection and Cannabis Products

By Shannon Nolley Protection of trademark rights in the United States is only given to those products and services that are considered legal at the federal or state level. While individual …

Is Cannabis Patentable?

By Bill Hilton In short, yes, and there are many different ways in which cannabis and cannabis-related inventions may be protected. The U.S. government has authority to grant patents under the Patent …

Website Owners Cannot Stop Data Scraping

Here are two examples: (1) Clearview AI has scraped billions of publicly available images from social media platforms and compiled them into a facial recognition database that it’s made available …

Provisional Patent Costs and How to Reduce Them

By Bill Hilton The Challenge A significant challenge faced by many early-stage companies that are interested in filing provisional patent applications, is that a provisional patent application must be filed prior …

When Does A Copyright Expire?

The scope of copyright law is vast – it protects traditional art forms such as books, music, photos and paintings, but also covers more exotic forms of expression, such as …

How To Protect Your Trade Secrets

We find that clients are often aware of how to use patents, trademarks and copyrights to protect their intellectual property. However, they seem less confident about how to utilize trade …

When Should a Patent Application Be Filed?

            In 2013, the United States converted from a “first to invent” patent system to a “first to file” patent system.  Under the “first to file” system, if two inventors …

When Does My Patent Expire?

Patents can be used to protect your innovations.  There are different types of patents that can be obtained through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).  In particular, utility patents …

How To Protect Intellectual Property

Intellectual property is an intangible asset, or a collection of intangible assets, created through the ingenuity of people in the form of their brands, innovations, original works of authorship, and …